Grillage under the foundation Metalware 43 tons Pskov 2015
Shopping complex Metalware 260 tons Moscow 2015
Production Association “KINEF”
Steel structures 230 tons Leningrad Region, the city of Kirishi year 2014
Manufacture building
Metal structures 87 tons Pskov year 2014
Production Association “KINEF”
Metal structures 82 tons Leningrad Region, the city of Kirishi year 2014
Floating pump station
Steel structures 12 tons Murmans year 2014
Production Association “KINEF” Metalwork 66 tons Leningrad Region, the city of Kirishi year 2014
Walling Steel structures 230 tons Novgorod region, the Valdai region year 2014
The system of gas mains Bavanenko—Ukhta Metalwork 120 tons The Yamalo—Nenets Autonomous District year 2014
Logistic complex Metal structures 340 tons Novgorod region year 2014
Shopping complex Metal structures 90 tons Cherepovets year 2014
Arrangement of the Bavanenkovo NPPM Metal structures 130 tons The Yamalo—Nenets Autonomous District year 2014
Store — warehouse Metalware 30 tons Novgorod region year 2014
Mikhailovna Gorno Concentrating Plant Metalwork 60 tons Zheleznogorsk year 2014
Special constructions Metal structures of 180 tons Pskov year 2014
Harvutinskaya site of the Yamburg NPKM Metalwork 70 tons The Yamalo—Nenets Autonomous District year 2014
The structures of the Urengoy oil and gas condensate field Metal structures 140 tons The Yamalo—Nenets Autonomous District year 2014
Warehouse of food products Metalware 40 tons Saint Petersburg year 2014
Platforms for process equipment Metalwork 120 tons Murmansk year 2014
Store Warehouse Metal structures 65 tons Saint Petersburg year 2014
Dome metalware Metalware 26 tons Saint Petersburg year 2014
Cooling tower Steel structures 92 tons Norilsk year 2014
Frame under the experimental generator stand Metalware 5.5 tons Saint Petersburg year 2014
Reactor support parts Metalware 18 tons Petrozavodsk year 2013
Car maintenance station Steel structures 80 tons Veliky Novgorod year 2013
Sports and Recreation Complex Metal structures 280 tons Old Russa year 2013
Agricultural complex Metal structures 45 tons Novgorod region year 2013
DKS of the Cenomanian deposit of the Urengoyskaya oil and gas condensate field The pipeline route of steel structures is 180 tons The Yamalo—Nenets Autonomous District year 2013
Livestock complex 1 200 m2 Metalware 410 tons Novgorod region year 2013
Auxiliary constructions of a shopping center Metalware 73 tons Veliky Novgorod year 2013
Factory for the production of canned goods Metalwork 730 tons Leningrad region. year 2013
Silo for dry mixes Metal structures of 180 tons Novgorod region year 2013
Silo for concrete plant Metal structures 130 tons Novgorod region year 2012
Residential village Auxiliary steel structures 18 tons Novgorod region year 2012
Production building 1 520 m2 Metal structures 280 tons St. Petersburg industrial zone “Parnassus” year 2012
Fire tank Metalware 30 tons Novgorod region year 2012
Production building 240 m2 Metalware 23 tons St. Petersburg, pos. Shushary year 2012
Platform for process equipment Metalware 13 tons Vyborg Port of Vyborg year 2012
Outdoor fire escape of the shopping center Metalware 23 tons Saint Petersburg 2011
KS Elizavetinskaya SEG Gryazovets—Vyborg Auxiliary metalware Ленинградская обл., пос. Елизоветино 2011 год
Производственная торговая база
Металлоконструкции 48 тонн Новгородская обл. 2011 год